
Creating emails can be tricky, so I lead the effort to develop this application to simplify the process. MailMaker is a drag-and-drop layout builder and code generator for building HTML emails. It’s build on a robust collection of hand-coded layout modules that have responsive layouts, dark-mode optimization, and extreme client compatibility . With other features […]

Code Keeper

An online application for keeping and organizing code files and snippets. Featuring a robust browser-based code editor and unique tag-based sorting system for greater flexibility than a standard folders. This project was built from a personal desire to have such a system for use in my own project workflow and has become essential to my […]

Motivator App

Motivator is a list making app to help with routine and indecision. Sort bucket items into collections and create randomly generated to-do lists. Check and delete completed items, watch buckets empty, and be more motivated!

Color Guide

Online accessibility is a major concern for businesses. Ensuring that viewers with sight, mobility, and even technological challenges, can accurately and easily access content is and essential and legal obligation. This project was created to help designer quickly assess the color contrast compliancy of their organization’s swatch library, by providing instant contrast ratios and acceptable […]

Five: Memory Game

A just-for-fun project that was an attempt to create a classic memory game in homage to the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The sound clips for each button represent the the famous five notes from the movie. Produced with Flex/Flash AS3, and published for Android using AIR runtime. Sound patterns are randomly generated […]