Rio Olympics

This landing page was part of a large promotion for the 2016 Rio Olympics, showcasing a collection of video spots created for TD Ameritrade #likeyou campaign. The challenge of this project was to cleanly display a sizable selection of videos and athlete/investor profiles, integrated with the YouTube API and Javascript templates.

NFL Promo

A simple effective landing page highlighting an NFL affiliated promotional offer for new TD Ameritrade clients. This is an example of a quick turn-around project using in-house template pages I developed for just such projects, along with some custom script for smooth-as-butter background parallax.

TDA Futures

This micro-site was part of a campaign to promote futures trading with TD Ameritrade encourage them to open an accout apply for eligibility. The main feature and challenge (fun) of this design was creating the custom parallax video background and grid overlay. This campaign targeted both prospects and existing clients, so separate tracking and redirection […]

TDA Client Rewards

Promotional landing page for the TD Ameritrade Client Rewards Card. This single page layout was built from scratch and featured an animated sticky navigation menu, and many responsive adjustments. The other print and digital campaign assets directed traffic to this landing page which was responsible for capturing and passing tracking information to the online application.